Minutes November 2023
Minutes of the Chess Edinburgh Council Meeting
held at the Edinburgh Chess Club, 1 Alva Street, Edinburgh on Thursday 23rd November 2023 at 19.30.
Present: David Stewart (Chair), Calum McGillivray, Jim O’Neil, Dave Watson, Martin Robinson,
Peter Woollven and Stewart Good.
1. Apologies for Absence: Crawford Macnab and Jenny Wilson,
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 31st August 2023, were approved: proposed by Peter Woollven and seconded by Jim O’Neil.
3. Matters Arising
3. Child Safety Policy. Stewart Good reported that he had e-mailed Liz Sams to ask if she would be the
Contact Person and that he was waiting on her reply.
14. (d) Paintings Jim O’Neil reported that this is ongoing.
14. (e) The AGM was held as planned on the 21st September and the minutes are on the website.
4. Edinburgh Chess League
The League Secretary, Calum McGillivray, reported that:
(a) The leagues are well under way with 33 teams from 10 clubs in 4 divisions..
(b) Edinburgh University have still to arrange some matches.
(c) All fees and the penalties imposed on some clubs from last season have been paid.
(d) The engraving of the Division 1 Trophy is ongoing.
5. Edinburgh Allegro Chess League
Peter Woollven reported that there have been two meetings so far with 14 teams from 10 clubs taking part.
6. Lothians Allegro Congress
Martin Robinson reported that the event will take place at Bainfield Bowling Club on Sunday 14th January 2024.
The arbiters have been confirmed and it is on the Chess Scotland calendar.
It is anticipated that most players will enter and pay on-line but Dave Watson will be listed as the Entries Secretary.
It will use the same format as last year but Martin is to confirm the increments after speaking with the
The vote of thanks to the arbiters, officials, etc. will either be at the start of the tournament or the start of the afternoon session and to avoid the slight embarrassment at the prize-giving last year players will also be informed of how prizes will be distributed.
Martin will ask for volunteers to help set up the hall nearer the time.
7. Summer Cup/Plate
Calum McGillivray reported that the Summer Cup was won by Civil Service 2 and that Pentland Hills won the Plate.
8. Edinburgh Congress
There has been little progress in the search for a suitable venue.
Dave Watson expressed his concern that we will end up in the same position as last year unless we explore possible venues now and offered to help. However, it was decided that Calum McGillivray will contact
possible venues and he will liaise with Martin Robinson and Jim O’Neil on this.
Neil Irving has offered to help with the Congress and Martin and Jim will contact him.
9. Lothians Championship
Calum McGillivray reported that there are 10 entrants and that the 1st round is under way.
A few competitors are still to pay.
10. Chess in the Park
This has now shut down for the winter.
David Stewart reported that the owners of the cafe had given him £617 in respect of the insurance claim for the equipment destroyed in the fire and he has deposited it in the Chess Edinburgh bank account. However, he is hopeful that Sean Marsh of Chess in Schools and Communities will again donate the necessary sets when he visits Edinburgh next year. Jim O’Neil was uneasy about this as technically the equipment had belonged to the cafe and Dave Watson pointed out that the Council had made it clear on several occasions that Chess Edinburgh is not responsible for Chess in the Park. However, Jim O’Neil argued that as circumstances had changed we should reconsider that. After some discussion, it was agreed to look at this again at the next meeting.
Regarding next year, David Stewart said that the cafe was going to be rebuilt with an indoor area as well as
outside and he hoped that it might be possible to store the equipment there as in the past.
11. Lothians Junior Chess
Stewart Good reported that
(a) The Edinburgh Junior Congress was held on the 28th October and had an encouraging entry of 86 players
with two events for Primary pupils and two for Secondary.
(b) They plan to hold: three Team Days, with the first on 2nd December
the Lothian Junior Championships
UK Chess Challenge events
The Scottish Girls’ Championships (on behalf of CS)
(c) Most events are held on Saturdays at Broughton High School.
12. Website
This continues to be updated regularly.
13. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer, Jim O’Neil, reported that we have made £1,900 since the first of July, but he pointed out that there will be significant costs in the next 7 months.
Trophies have still to be valued.
The Treasurer is still to train Martin Robinson in the online banking system so that he can provide backup if required.
14. President’s Report
David Stewart reported that Sean Marsh of Chess in Schools and Communities plans to come to Scotland in June when he will organise training sessions for adults involved in running junior chess clubs.
15. AOCB
There was no other business.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 29th February 2024 at 7.30pm at the Edinburgh Chess Club. Calum McGillivray to book