Minutes AGM June 2018
Minutes of the Chess Edinburgh Council Meeting held at the Edinburgh Chess Club, 1 Alva Street, Edinburgh on Thursday 10th May 2018 at 19.30.
Present: David Stewart (Chairman), Eddie Gillespie, Dave Watson, Calum McGillivray, Jim Wallace, Martin Robinson, Liz Sams and Jim O’Neil.
1.Apologies for Absence: Andrew Green, Alistair Small, Crawford Macnab, Bill Marshall and Lukah Connolly Sams.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 15th February 2018 were approved, proposed by Jim Wallace and seconded by Eddie Gillespie.
3. Matters Arising
David Stewart is still to get the records of the previous winners from Martin Robinson in order to complete the engraving of the Division 1 Trophy.
4. Edinburgh Chess League
1 League Secretary, Calum McGillivray, reported that with the exception of one play- off match* the
Leagues have been completed.
Results: Winners Relegated
Premier League Edinburgh 1 Edinburgh West
Division 1 Badgers Brook 1 Civil Service 1
Division 2 Musselburgh 1 Pentland Hills 2
Division 3 Civil Service 2
* Bank of Scotland 2 have to play Balerno to decide who will play in Division 2.
There have been a few defaults and late cards.
2. David Stewart has written to Adam Walkowiak and the Wandering Dragons informing them of the
Council’s decision to reject his appeal against being defaulted in his match against Edinburgh West
3. Bill Marshall has put a template for the League score-cards on the website but has still to do the Summer Cup.
5. Edinburgh Allegro Chess League
1 Martin Robinson will draft a letter to Sandy Bells warning them that their continued participation in the League will be under threat if they do not improve their record regarding often turning up late and/or with only three players. His draft will be discussed at the next Council meeting.
2. University of Edinburgh won the League with Bank of Scotland second.
3. Liz Sams will assist Jim Wallace with the running of the League with a view to possibly taking over
the organiser role.
6. Lothians Allegro Congress
1. Due to a steep increase in grading costs the Congress in fact made a loss of £15 instead of the
profit of £50 which was reported earlier.
2. The trophy has still to be repaired.
7. Summer Cup/Plate
1 There are 18 entries, necessitating a preliminary round.
2 Calum McGillivray is posting out results cards to participating clubs.
8. Edinburgh Congress
Congress Director David Stewart reported that it been another successful Congress:
1 The entry was again over 200 and was up by one on last year.
2 The catering provided by the Parent Teachers Association was a success for both the Congress
and the PTA.
3 The event made a profit of £199.
4 The Bookstall’s takings from Jim Fisher were up on the previous years.
5 The coaching sessions for people interested in running chess clubs in schools was a success.
6 David Stewart will do a Report for Chess Scotland, Chess Magazine and the Chess Edinburgh
7 There had been some problems regarding no internet and drivers blocking in other cars when
8 There had been an increase in Group Entries and it was agreed that they do not have to belong to
the same club.
9. Some prizes have still to be given to players for whom we don’t have contact details. It was agreed
that they could be issued if we see them at other events or if they enter next year it will be deducted
from their entry fee.
10 The 2019 Congress will be held on the 5 - 7 April at St Thomas of Aquin’s High School.
9. Lothians Championship
1 Tournament Organiser Calum McGillivray reported that although there are still a couple of games to
be played the winner is Christopher Wu of University of Edinburgh with 5/5 points.
2. There are still players who have to pay the entrance fee and Calum will send their names to David
Stewart, who will write to them with a copy to their Club Secretary.
10. Lothian Schools
Liz Sams reported that:
1 The recent Megafinal was the largest outside London with 252 entrants from 44 schools.
However, the large numbers were a problem for the venue and equipment.
2 It was pleasing that 25% of participants were from Secondary schools; mostly from the
lower years.
3. On the downside there has been a fall in the number of players from poorer backgrounds and the
number of girls playing is also disappointing: 31% in the Primary competition and only 13% in the
4 Another potential problem is that 60% of the players are coached by one person, Andrew Green, and if he was ever to stop it could have disastrous consequences.
11. Website
1 It now has a link to Chess in the Park.
2. Copies of the League and Summer Cup Result cards are on the site and can be downloaded.
3. David Stewart has e mailed team Captains to encourage them to submit their results electronically.
4 Jim O’Neil praised the work done by Bill Marshall on the site.
12. President’s Report
David Stewart reported that:
1. Chess in the Park is running every Thursday from 2 - 4pm and 10 chess sets have been donated
by ”Chess and Bridge” which are available from the café. Numbers have varied from 6 to 20.
2. He is going to present a box of chocolates to St Thomas Aquin’s High School and to Andrew Wilsons the furniture hire company and Gary Scott, the owner of the Fountain Café.
13. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer, Eddie Gillespie, reported that we will have a deficit of £30 but reminded the meeting that this was after we had made a donation of £500 to Lothian Juniors.
14.The AGM
1 The provisional date is Thursday 7th June at Slateford Bowling Club, subject to confirmation.
2 David Stewart will send notice of the meeting and the Minutes from 2017 to member clubs.
3 No Proposals for the AGM were received by the deadline of 1st April.
4 The members of the Council present all agreed to stand again.
15. AOCB
16. Date of Next Meeting
To be agreed at the AGM.