Minutes November 2018


Minutes of the Chess Edinburgh Council Meeting held at the Edinburgh Chess Club, 1 Alva Street, Edinburgh on Thursday 29th November 2018 at 19.30.

Present: David Stewart (Chairman), Dave Watson, Martin Robinson, and Jim O’Neil.

1. Apologies for Absence: Eddie Gillespie, Andrew Green, Calum McGillivray, Alistair Small and Crawford Macnab.

Although only four members were present, meaning that the meeting was not quorate, It was decided to continue but on the basis that no decisions could be made.

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 6th September 2018, were approved: proposed by Jim O’Neil and seconded by David Stewart.

3. Matters Arising

David Stewart is still to get the records of the previous winners from Martin Robinson in order to complete the engraving of the Division 1 Trophy.

4. Edinburgh Chess League

1. Considerable reorganisation of the Leagues was necessary due to
(a) the withdrawals of Wandering Dragons second team from the Premier League, Musselburgh from Division 1 and Balerno from Division 3
(b) the entry of third teams from Pentland Hills and Civil Service.

This means 31 teams; a drop of one from last year and the leagues have been organised into divisions of six, six, ten and nine.
The proposal made at the last meeting to deal with the withdrawal of Wandering Dragons second team from the Premier League was approved by the clubs concerned:
Edinburgh West are not relegated, but remain in the Premier Division
Civil Service 1 are not relegated, but remain in the First Division
Pentland Hills 2 are not relegated, but remain in the Second Division.

2. The leagues are well under way and in the absence of the league secretary, there are no known problems.

3. It would be good to update results and league tables faster.

5. Edinburgh Allegro Chess League

1 Martin Robinson has still to draft a letter to Sandy Bells warning them that their continued participation in the League will be under threat if they do not improve their record regarding often turning up late and/or with only three players. His draft will be discussed at the next Council meeting.

2. As Liz Sams has withdrawn from the council due to pressure of work, we need to find someone to
take over from Jim Wallace as organiser.

6. Lothians Allegro Congress

1. It will be held on Sunday 13th January.at the Bainfield Bowling Club at the same cost as the
previous venue (the Quay).

2. There is no need for a maximum entry.

3. Full catering will be available.

4. There will be four sections.

5. Tournament Organiser, Martin Robinson, has organised the arbiters and has the sets and clocks.

6. Martin Robinson is dealing with the repair of the trophy.

7. Eddie Gillespie will bring a float.

8. Entry forms have been distributed at the Oban Congress, SNCL match and the Allegro League and to all Lothians based clubs.It is on the Chess Scotland website.

7. Summer Cup/Plate

1. Wandering Dragons C defeated the Tiger Cubs in the final of the Cup.

2. The final of the Plate between Musselburgh and Bank of Scotland will be played in December.

8. Edinburgh Congress

1 David Stewart has almost completed his report for Chess Scotland.

2. The entry form for the 2019 Congress is on the Chess Scotland website.
We hope to get a free advert in Chess Magazine again.
It will be on the ECF site when the arbiters have been confirmed.
David Stewart will put it on various European chess sites in December and will contact foreign
players who have previously played.

3. David Stewart has e mailed the Parent Teachers Association regarding catering.

4. The arbiters will be Alex McFarlane, Andy Howie, Fiona Petrie and either Lara Barnes or John

5. There is a need to sort out internet access and Jim O’Neill will work with David Stewart on this.

9. Lothians Championship

1. Christopher Wu didn’t attend the Fixtures Meeting to be presented with the trophy and cheque.

2. This season’s championship is underway with 12 entrants.

3. Those present expressed disappointment that entrants were again being allowed to play without
first paying the entrance fee.

10. Chess in the Park

This closed at the end of October and will restart on the 4th of April when it will be opened by Sean Marsh.

11. Lothian Schools

In the absence of any representative there was no report.

12. Balerno Chess Club Equipment and Funds

1.Balerno Chess Club has folded due to a lack of numbers.

2. It has donated £62 of the remaining club funds and 15 chess sets + some clocks.to Chess

3. It was suggested that the money be put towards a Junior equivalent of the Peters Elder Trophy
which would be called after the Balerno club and that the sets and clocks be held by the Civil
Service Club on behalf of Chess Edinburgh.


1. It is now possible to input results on-line but it could be made easier and we need a link so that
league tables can be automatically updated when results are inputted. Jim O’Neil will speak to Bill Marshall about this.

2. The Council would like Jim O’Neil to be a back-up administrator in case Bill is ever unavailable.

14 President’s Report

David Stewart reported that

1. the Grading Books were distributed at the Fixtures Meeting and that some Clubs have
bought extra copies.

2 the Blackford team had dropped out of the Allegro League.

3. there is a need for new people to come on to the Council. It was suggested that the current members should approach suitable people they know e.g. players who are retired from work.

4. he had visited James Gillespies school but that it is not suitable as a venue.

5. he had spoken to the organiser of a proposed chess competition which was later cancelled and
was interested that the proposed venue in Blair Street was free.

15. Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of the Treasurer there was no report.

16. AOCB
Jim O’Neil raised the issue of the value of clubs having written constitutions and covering child safety in them.

17. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 21st February at 7.30pm at the Edinburgh Chess Club.

Calum McGillivray to book.

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